On May 16, 2024 Houston and surrounding areas were devastated by an unusually strong wind storm which caused widespread damage. Unfortunately , historic Olivewood Cemetery was not spared. After confirming the safety of cemetery community, members of Descendants of Olivewood went out to survey the damage. Below is an inventory of the damage collected by Paul Jennings:
- 26 fallen trees-many have been uprooted
- 14 trees with severe damage will need to be completely removed
- 50+ large branches that will need to be cut with a chainsaw and removed
- 56 feet of our iron fencing will need to replaced
- At least seven markers suffered damage and need repair
- The northernmost part of the cemetery is practically inaccessible and we are unable to fully detail the damage

The effort to repair Olivewood after this devastating storm will require our community of volunteers as well as a team of professionals to remove trees, repair fencing, and restore headstones. If you are able to help, please contact us via email (info@descendantsofolivewood.org) for volunteer opportunities. You can also help by clicking on our donations tab. All proceeds go towards the ongoing clean-up and restoration efforts.