We’ve had the honor of working with Robert Marcom and Carol McDavid of CARI (Community Archaeology Research Institute) in our effort to save several sets of remains from surrounding erosion. They have completed the exhumation within one of our eroding ravines. Now we need to remediate the erosion in the ravine with protective jute mats covered with truckloads of rip rap. We will be looking for donations of rip rap for this purpose as soon as we get the city to set aside some public area to stage it.
There are also other areas of the cemetery at risk. We are always looking for help in our struggle to combat erosion whether it be through volunteer efforts or by donations from caring Houstonians. If you wish to help contribute to our efforts, please consider donating so that this time critical project can be undertaken before too much history is lost to nature.
Published May 18, 2012